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american mink造句

"american mink"是什么意思  
  • Diseases spread by the American mink can also account for the decline.
  • Fur farm escapees such as coypu and American mink have extensive populations.
  • Trapping is used to control or eliminate feral American mink populations.
  • Other common species are hares, red foxes, stoats and American mink.
  • Traps set for coyotes, American mink, and other animals may harm black-footed ferrets.
  • The American mink is a dark brown, semi-aquatic weasel prized for its luxurious fur.
  • The American mink normally only vocalises during close encounters with other minks or predators.
  • The American mink may pose a threat to poultry.
  • The otters may compete with the American mink ( " Mustela vison " ) for resources.
  • At all stages of the grebe's life it is vulnerable to predation by the American Mink.
  • It's difficult to see american mink in a sentence. 用american mink造句挺难的
  • Because of range expansion, the American mink is classed as a least-concern species by the IUCN.
  • Humans introduced reindeer, American mink and rats to the islands, with negative effects on native wildlife.
  • When the South Korean economy tanked in November 1997, North American mink ranchers lost their biggest buyer.
  • It is threatened by the introduced American mink but the frog is known from two protected areas.
  • In 1948, they adopted the name EMBA . EMBA used the trademark " The American Mink ".
  • An introduced mustelid : American mink, " Mustela vison ", has wrought havoc in the Parks ecosystems.
  • They are also preyed on by non-native American mink which have found their way into the wild.
  • In modern times, the American mink occupies all of the Norwegian mainland, but is absent on some islands.
  • Some areas contain stable populations of imported animals, such as flying squirrel, American mink and Siberian roe deer.
  • Only American mink is used for the Russian-made coats hanging in the Laplandia shop not far from the Kremlin.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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